After thinking a lot for two days(well..New year is the only time i think a lot abt myself-sorta self analysis right?) ,five hot new year resolutions were made and here are ma gonna-be-new year resolutions.,
#1: CoNtRoL yOuR tEmPeR:(sToP bEiNg FuRiOuS)
Controllin ma temper....this is the resolution i am taking for every new year.
Reading articles like "10 straight ways to control your temper" or counting from 1 to 10 or from 10 to 1 or rushing ma way to be infront of mirror and sayin ma name till i smile or drinking cups of water have been totally useless. Hey.....'ere Don IMAgine me to be red hot. I aint that bad as ma anger is short lived.
So, Strivin' to be as cool as possible especially when am being screwed.
#2: TrY NoT tO GeT ScOlDiNgS oN rOaDsIdE: (sToP bEiNg fAsT)
Be It my scooty or cycle or car, whateva i am on, i have neva returned home without being scolded..though reasons may vary- for zingin' too fast or for takin unpredictable turns or bumpin' into some ones vehicle.Ya... This is ma #2 resolution.Hereafter would try ma level best (not) to be a horrible driver.
#3: TrY yOuR HaNd At CoOkInG:
So, Miss Fast & Furious wants to be a chef too.
Wheneva i am at house for the weekends i will try a new recipe. So, you will be served with lip-smackin' dishes if ya come home when i am there for the week end.
P.S:But there is no real guarantee for any temporary or permanent malfunctioning of your taste buds
#4: SpEnD lEsS tImE InFrOnT oF sYsTem:(atleast till i get into Cognizant)
If i am not gonna follow this one, i am gonna be lookin like a stupo wearin a lousy pair of was a night mare. This is for sure not gonna happen to me.
#5: SpEnD mOrE tImE wItH oLd fRiEnDs.
The one thing for which i regret-not spending time with old friends-It doesnot really matter how many new friends i am making, its how many i am still with.
So, here.. i am making a promise to ma old friends - Will spend more time with ya sweet chums.
Whats your gonna-be-new-year-resolutions?
Fast and furious ah? konjam over ah illa unaku?????anyways frame panrathellaam mukiyam illa follow panriyaanu paapom.
'm damn sure that nothing outta these 5 is gonna happen..... trust me....
enna priya samaikka porennu ippadi oru peria comedy adichutta....
thanga mudiyala priya
fast & furious(???????????)
anyway innime intha mathiri kaspadathe(new year res eduthu)
be urself
cooking -----yaar sapdaporangalo pavam
Hey pri...
Form a new resolution dat u wont ever frame resolutions anymore....
May b dat might work.... ;)
Joke of d year: PRIYA SAMAIKKA PORA....... ppl, don dare enter pri's home if she starts cookin..... athukku suicide is far better and easier way to kill urself...
sorry pri.. cant help..
p.s: If any of u know how to cook widout using a stove, plz help priya... coz dats d way she wants to cook.... kadanjedutha somberi...
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