I guess every country has its own custom...Like Thai custom of throwing water and the Spanish custom of eating 12 grapes on new year as the clock chimes 12 times...This is the very first time, i had stayed in the hostel in my four years of college. This time Miss X well wisher(of course one of ma dearest friends) told us to eat 12 grapes. So we were ready with 12 grapes to gobble at 12 0' clock. You know how it worked out in ma life..?? As i plopped all 12 grapes, i went out for washing ma hand.(Ma pals Miss Y and Miss Z were staring at ma computer screen displayin scenes of a new flick, when i went out). As i was returnin' back, i heard some one shoutin hysterically. I found from the voice it was none other than Miss T(terror care taker) of our Azkaban(Use Harry Potter as decryption key). With the intention of escaping, I got into ma next room. I was waiting for the clamor to subside... It went on , on ON and On....(i thought "yaaru petha pillaiyo ipdi thittu vanguthe!!!")
Then i heard Miss T shoutin "WHO IS SHE??"..Okay i thought a peek at the scene would neva harm me(CURIOSITY IS NO SIN..right????;"
The night was totally ruined. Miss T came out with hotch potch of six to seven gizmos/gadgets, devoid of which any of the college goers would die.You know what??Miss T had turned into a Tsunami which swept off ma cubicle that night. Now the so called heart of my computer is sleepin in the headquarters of our Azkaban.
P.S:The text is encoded to a greater extent to preserve the sanity and welfare of the poor author. If you are really brilliant decode and find out what would have happened. Any of the comments that would harm the author is strictly prohibited. The author thought of writin' this article after 6 months so as to avoid any possible perils. But the now seemingly hot topic would become luke warm n then cold and then one day will fade out of the author's mind. If that one day is gonna be within the 6 months, then the readers of the blog would miss an interesting (ofcourse seemingly interesting )article. The author would prefer being kissed by a dementor than being caught by Miss T.
Now temme would you dare to gobble 12 grapes at 12 o clock of the new year?
semma di...unmaya eluthina unnaku enna awrd kodukalam....OSCAR poduma..illa vera ethavathu venuma...inime grapes saapiduva un lifela????
u gav me 6 grapes..athukae dis much effect eh??thank god..din eat anothr 6..enna nadandhurkumo..think i wud b slappd by T..
I second sweety's nomination!
Admire the chutzpah .... :D
cool encryption! Thank God its all over !
one word for this post :
"Been there Done that" :P
If u can decrypt this ,that is!!
Love the parting shot!!
kissed by a dementor!!
any mepcoite who is even remotely familiar with the Girls hostel would decipher it :)
even 'I've been there n done that ;)
But Mr.T was at least kind enough to spare me another 4 months with my computer!
P.S the lst thing I heard Ur comp is shifted home is it?
haha..good fun!
you should have given 12 grapes to Miss T
@Arun 12 grapes ena 12000 grapes kuda thayaar....if its gonna work out
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