Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama - Inaguration- A history in Making..

Yayyy.....A new era for USA..

Soon after November, it was like the inauguration of Obama was an eternity away,but it was not so.It was yesterday when Obama claimed his place in history as America's first black President in front of a jubilant crowd.

Now Obama will have to sit down and tackle the problems facing the United States of America. The economy, oil, jobs and wars will probably be Obama’s focal points during his historic first 90 days in office. Due to recession, their economy is badly weakened,business shattered, jobs shed,.. its time to prepare the nation for a new age..In his words, a time to overlook a change.Change and hope is what he always talks about.Its time for him to walk the talk.

I have always admired Obama for his rhetorical skills and powerful speech but many felt that the speech he delivered on his historical day was with a lot of ideas and no theme and that there was no sinlge memorable phrase.But what i feel is that its not about the words but the apparent sincerity of his that does matter. I already feel that new winds of positive energy and change are blowing across the country. May he succeed in bringing peace to the war torn and terror stricken world.Altogetha, am excited to witness History in making.
One interesting fact about the 44th President of US: He had a monkey as his pet when he was 16...Interesting na?[:P]


Gracelyne said...

Did you mean:

Its time for him to walk the talk :)

Priya said...

yup...a small typo..thnx for pointin' out

Anonymous said...

I guess he ll do something different...
in the future