Now comin' to the list of books under the tag "portrait of true India" , the one that tops our list is our much hyped "The White Tiger" BY Aravind Adiga, which am readin now
Havin' thumbed thro' only first few pages of the novel, I was utterly shocked to see the followin' lines,
"One fact about India is you can take almost anything you hear about the country from the prime minister and turn it upside dwon and then you will have the truth about that thing.Now, you have heard the Ganga called the river of emancipation and our prime minister will no doubt urge you to take a dip in it. No! - Mr. Jiabao, I urge you not to dip in the Ganga, unless you want your mouth full of feces, straw, soggy parts of human bodies, buffalo carrion, and seven different kinds of industrial acids."
"I wonder if the Buddha walked through Laxmangarh-some people say he did. My own feeling is that he ran through it-as fast as he could- and got to the other side- and never looked back!"
"Do you know about Hanuman, sir? He was the faithful servant of the god Rama, and we worship him in our temples because he(Hanuman) is a shining example of how to serve your masters with absolute fidelity, love and devotion. These are the kinds of gods they have foisted on us, Mr. Jiabao. Understand , now, how hard it is for a man to win his freedom in India"
Such were the lines of the Man Booker Prize winner-Adiga.
Naipaul was being hated by many Indians for talkin' contemptuously about India, about how cleaners mop the floor in restaurants by crouching and moving like crabs and all that talk about Indians defecating in the open.Adiga is the same, focusing on everything that is bad and disgusting.
-a review by a freelance editor.
After all, a review is a perception of one person. Films and novels are meant for people and as different people have different takes, lemme write my take of the novel after i read it fully.
u cant deny the truth....its far better than a land of snakes n tigers runnin thru streets
i wish i get that book yaar...
now the rate is 345 only!!
but its not "only" for me...
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