And this guy has the rare habit of generalising things to keep his stuffs more interesting.
And some of ma personal favourites of his dialogues are
"Guys can never figure out what to say in emotional moments and always end up saying something stupid."(these r not ma words.....they are Chetan's
"The great thing about girls is that even during pauses in the conversation,you can look at them and not get bored"( it so??? we guls are honored)
"Why do always girls talk in circles. Like an algebra problem it takes a few steps to get them to the point?"(pretty bad comment for guls....
"Why are there so few pretty girls? Why hadn't evolution figured it out that men liked pretty women and turned them all out that way?"
"A 'very good friend ' is a dangerous category with Indian girls.From here you can either make fast progress. Or, if you play it wrong , you go down to the lowest category invented by Indian women ever- rakhi brother. Rakhi brother- really means 'you can talk to me, but don't even think about anything else you bore' .."(pretty bad cmnt again abt indian guls not gonna hear....
"When women ask you for choice, they already have a choice in mind. And if you want to maintain sanity, you would better choose the same"(guys..bit confused aren't you?"
"Maths is the worst thing ever invented by man. What were they thinking? Language is too easy, so lets make up some creepy symbols and manipulate them to haunt every generation of kids. Who cares if sin theta is different from cos theta? Who wants to know the expansion of sum of the cubes"
And about "One night at call center" the story line seems to be too fictious for all the worst'est' things to happen in one night and in particular everything turns so well during last two hours. But Chetan's way of writin keeps you thumbin through the pages as fast as possible to know what happens next,next,next n next.
But I heard the movie "Hello", based on this novel , directed by Atul,turned out to be an absolute Bollywood masala flick and is not upto the scratch, except for Sharman Joshi who is the only hope for the movie to keep going.
Altogther the movie is not worth a hit
Am givin
see .. u've turned out to be a book n movie critic too :)
Good job !!!!!
Chetan Bhagat sure is good !!
hey would u believe it if i said i noted down those dialogues too when i read the book..super good weren't how does he think like that..and a good compilation and review :)
hey jus now remebered..arent these dialogues from 3mistakes of my life????? not ! night @ call centre!!!!
check out mylounger..Have done my share of CB criticism.. :)
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